Enon Baptist Association
EBA is here to support Baptist Churches in East Texas

Welcome To Enon Baptist Association Rely, Resource, and Reach

2 Corinthians 11:28 (ESV), “And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches.”

Christ established the local church for his glory. Just as Paul’s desire was to see the strengthening of the church for God’s glory, the EBA exists for this same purpose. As local churches, our primary spiritual strength comes from the Holy Spirit.  However, God has provided real people in the church to strengthen one another as the Spirit is at work in individual lives.

As an association, we believe this same principle applies to local churches in a geographic area. Each church functions autonomously, but finds great strength in partnering together for the sake of the Gospel. For this reason, the EBA exists to remember the source of our strength through reliance on Christ and resource His churches through strategic partnership for the purpose of reaching out to the world around us with the Gospel.

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